News & Events


by | May 9, 2019 | Affordable Housing, News, News & Events, Non-Profit Organizations, Projects

Congratulations to Just-A-Start on the ceremonial groundbreaking for Squirrelwood Apartments, which will provide a total of 78 affordable residential units at 40 and 54 Market Street, 200, 204, 210 Columbia Street, 261-263, 265, 267, and 269 Broadway, 1-6 Linwood Place, 8-12 and 17 Boardman Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts. On May 16, 2019, Massachusetts Housing Partnership Fund Board, a Massachusetts public instrumentality and body politic and corporate, acting for itself and as agent for the following lenders: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, acting by and through the Department of Housing and Community Development under the Housing Stabilization and Investment Trust Fund Statute, M.G.L. c. 121F; The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, acting by and through the Department of Housing and Community Development under the Capital Improvement and Preservation Trust Fund Statute M.G.L. c. 121G; and Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation provided loans in the aggregate amount of $5,827,176.00 to support the development of the project. 

Through the rehabilitation of the existing Squirrel Brand and Linwood Court buildings, the new Squirrelwood Apartments will provide affordable housing to the residents of Cambridge.